Plain language is a way of writing. It uses smaller words and shorter sentences. This helps people understand the main ideas more clearly.
Plain language is a kind of accommodation. An accommodation is a change that gets made to help people with disabilities. They help us get the same things as non-disabled people. Some other kinds of accommodations are Braille and American Sign Language (ASL).
Plain language helps people who have a hard time reading because of their disability. But writing in plain language helps lots of other people, too. It helps people who are learning English as a second language. It helps people who didn’t get the chance to learn to read. It helps everyone learn more about what is important to them.
Usually, people write research in ways that are hard to understand. Policies get written using long, confusing words. That isn’t fair! Everyone deserves to understand the information that affects our lives. That is why we should all try to write in Plain Language.
Easy Read is another way to write things. It uses even shorter sentences and words than Plain Language does. It also has a picture next to each sentence. The picture helps give more information about the words.
This webpage was written in Plain Language. I believe anything can be written in Plain Language. We just need to keep trying!