Accessible + Academia = Us!
Accessible = Things that disabled people can use and understand.
Academia = The places and spaces that research happen. Colleges and universities are part of academia. Researchers are a part of academia.
Accessible + Academia = Doing research that disabled people can take part in and understand.
That’s what Accessible Academia’s all about! We work to make sure the voices of folks with disabilities get heard in research that impacts our lives.
We do this by:
Writing about research and policy using Plain Language and Easy Read.
Teaching others how to write research and policy in Plain Language and Easy Read.
Showing others how to center the voices of disabled people in their research through workshops, trainings, and writings.
About Reid:
I’m Reid! I’m a disability policy researcher and advocate. My work centers the voices of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD).
I have a Master’s in Social Policy from Brandeis University. I also work for the Autistic Self Advocacy Network (ASAN), where I help write plain language and easy read materials. I would like to make Accessible Academia into a nonprofit someday!
I am autistic, queer, white, and have multiple physical and mental health disabilities. I am passionate about language and communication access. In my free time, I like to watch game shows in my rocking chair.